Sun Series #1

Sun Series #1

Monday, July 23, 2018

In Case I Forget

"In Case I Forget"
mixed media collage
24 x 24 1.5"

This work has been a long time in coming.
I have been thinking about aspects of Dementia, Alzheimer's and aging for about 5 years.

My great Aunt Alice, who was my Confirmation Sponsor, had Dementia.
My Mom's sister also had Alzheimer's or Dementia.
So the subject is close.

I want to be honest but also not depict the person without dignity.
While there is a sadness associated with these images they also portray the creative life of the person.
Someone who sewed, did needlepoint, quilted, had family members they held close to them.
This is what I wouldn't want to forget.

The use of the window frame references our ability to look in to who they were/are as well
as their ability to remember, at times, and look out.
Looking in / Looking out.

I don't think I am able to completely express in words all that this work holds for me.
That is why I make express what I just can't say with words.


  1. Thank you for sharing this piece and your words. You’ve offered me an idea and a way to process my mom’s recent hospital stay and her ongoing deterioration, physical, mental, and emotional. Processing through art should have beef obvious to me, but I didn’t get there until I read your blog entry. Thank you.
