Sun Series #1

Sun Series #1

Monday, August 6, 2018

Self Made Residency, Part 2

"From the Elements Series:Air"
mixed media painting with collage
80 x 27 x 1.5"

In an earlier blog I mentioned that I since I couldn't go on a residency this summer I declared July
'Art Month' with the intent of spending as much time as possible in the studio.
I did manage to create 2 pieces based on ideas I had been thinking about for quite awhile.
The first piece I talked about in my last post dated July 23rd.

The piece here is the largest work I have made in a long time.
It is painted on a hollow core door and is the first in a 4 part series based on the elements: earth, air, fire and water.

I wanted to create a work that had enough information in it so the viewer could create their own narrative
based on the images, colors, and emotions evoked in the piece.  There is also a bit of mystery here with the bird, key and cage that is personal to me but universal images that might suggest something completely different to you.

Keys, zippers, bird cages, clocks, and dandelions are part of my visual vocabulary as is the stoic countenance
 of the angel in the cage. Those of you who know my work also recognize this dress shape from past work.

The challenge was the size, using primarily paint as oppose to collage and the fact that I couldn't do
any direct sewing on a door.  Although I am working on that!  I have drilled holes and sewn on wood
panels, but the door presents other problems.

The success was incorporating the dress into the background in a way that suggests that it is floating
or becoming part of the atmosphere/air. I don't know if I will tinker with it any more or not.
That may depend upon the development of the next one in the series which will probably be 'earth'.

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