"Limbo" |
"Mining the Sketchbook no. 2: Time" |
"The Botanist's Journal" Having a solo exhibit is such a wonderful opportunity to look back on past work and see it in relationship to new pieces. Work that I created over the past 18 years or so will be on display at John Strauss Furniture Design in Canton March 9-April 23. As I wrote the artist statement for the show, which I have titled "Dreaming in Reverse", I immediately saw the connection to memory and identity, themes that I have worked with for many years. Objects, images, ideas and colors reoccur creating a map of memories and a path to identity. Some works incorporate found ephemera that are clues to the meaning encapsulated in the work. Other pieces are more abstract in nature with layers of colors, shapes, text and snippets of imagery that allow the viewer to interpret the work based on their own experiences.
It is in remembering that a dream-like quality can be
found. Recalling how a certain event
happened, the associations, objects and emotions involved, these things lay on
the threshold of consciousness and seem as if I am
"dreaming in reverse”.
I hope you will join me in the upstairs gallery for the opening reception on Friday March 9 from 5:00-7:30PM.
You can also view the show and John Strauss's amazing furniture designs Monday-Friday from 10am-5pm
and on Saturdays from 10am-4pm.
John Strauss Furniture Design
236 Walnut NE Canton OH 44702
Thanks Mary Helen! Wish you could be there. I would love to see you.