Sun Series #1

Sun Series #1

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Before the Ball Drops

Dec. 26, 2017 collage
mixed media on paper

I did manage to get one small collage done between Christmas and New Year's Day,
when I always think I have lots of time to create but in reality have very little.
I still have today and tomorrow, so let's see if I can make it happen once more in 2017.
Fingers crossed, but no promises.

I did go out to my studio yesterday to put something away and retrieve a mug of tea that had been out there
for several days.  Although I had another appointment that would keep me from working in the studio
I did linger a few minutes.
...fingering through the tray of collage materials I keep by my work station.
....tidying up the brushes, pencils, and pens.
...eyeing possible materials to use as the first layer in the next collage.

I sincerely hope I can make it into the studio for one more small collage before the ball drops on Times Square
moving us all into 2108.