Sun Series #1

Sun Series #1

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hula Hoops and Hopscotch

"Hula Hoop and Hopscotch Memories"
24 x 30"
mixed media on paper

This piece sat for almost 2 weeks on my work table with the bottom part glued and the top part a mystery to me as to what to do with it.  My creative spirit got all caught up in those spirals on the bottom and couldn't seem to move forward.
Yesterday I just went into the studio with a devil may care attitude and came up with this.
Sometimes I need to let the muse take over.
She said "Don't over think it, Clare!"


  1. I LOVE the depth the dark lines give this piece!

  2. Thanks, Michelle! I'm pretty happy with it especially since I agonized over it so.
    Happy Easter to you and your family!
