Sun Series #1

Sun Series #1

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Chair of a Different Sort

We are not in Paris anymore...or at least not for today's post.

I have been wanting to experiment with chalk paint and bought some a few years ago.  My first attempt with this was not very good.  In fact it was hideous.  I tried to live with it and just couldn't do it, so I did some research on how one works with chalk paint and that helped...a lot!

On the first attempt, I thought,
"Well I am an artist.
 I know how to layer paints.
I don't need to do any research"     So much for my ego.

On this attempt, I had better results; not perfect, but at least I like this outcome.
It involved 2 layers of chalk paint in 2 colors, some wax, a good deal of sanding, and a final
coat of a brown toned glaze.  I didn't follow all of the directions, substituting less expensive ingredients for the "official" wax and glazing.
Below is a photo of the place where the chair will live.
I have 2 more chairs I want to do that will also be in the kitchen with this chair.
And this is probably way more than you want to know about me and my winter DIY projects.
But since I am on a chair kick with my posts, I thought I would share.


  1. What a fun project. I am jealous of your energy level! Nice work.

  2. I was feeling guilty because of the price of the Annie Sloan chalk paint. Had to do something with it. I think I might use it in some paintings, now that I know better how to work with it.
