Sun Series #1

Sun Series #1

Monday, February 26, 2018

The Beauty of Repetition

"Bean Dreams"
encaustic on paper sculpture

"Bean Dreams" (detail)

I used to tell the students in my 3D Sculpture class that if you have enough of the same object you
have the makings or beginnings of a sculpture.
"Bean Dreams" is about that aspect of art making.

The 'bean' pods are made from coffee filters and used tea bags which are an interesting material because of their
transparency.  They are strong and yet delicate at the same time.
The bean pods have transfers of plant drawings, collages, stitching and embellishments along with
 a few green bean seeds in some of the pods.
Suspended from a sisal and roving covered wire they hang out away from the wall
and create interesting shadows.

Each pod is different.  Different bean, different dream.
It is as if the ordinary bean dreams of being something more, something spectacular like a lily or a rose.
As I worked on the pods I could see that the piece is a metaphor for the dreams/wishes/hopes
that we have about our individual lives and identities.

I like it when a work has layers...not just in the physical aspect of the work but also in the meaning or intent.

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