Sun Series #1

Sun Series #1

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


"Mining the Sketchbook no. 3: Flight (detail)"
mixed media collage with found materials

Working with old sketches and drawings from my notebooks and in this case, with a previous work that fit the theme of flight, I elaborated on the concept of flight or the notion of not being able to take flight.
In the larger detail of the work you can see that the child has wings on her feet; wants to fly.
But there are other obstacles...the rock also attached to her feet, the heavy adult-size hands that don't want to let her go.

The smaller work on the left in the overall view shows running feet but also a falling bird. Perhaps a premonition of what can happen when one takes flight too early, when not completely ready.  But is that the child's premonition?  Or is it that of the parent or guardian?

Lots of questions and ideas imbedded in this work.
It is on display at Hoyt Arts Center in New Castle PA until May 24th.


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