Sun Series #1

Sun Series #1

Thursday, June 2, 2016

It's Been Awhile!!

"Moon 2"
Clare Murray Adams
Encaustic on Wood Panel
11 x 14"

So.........I have been away from my blog for awhile.
There was a wedding shower in Phoenix and a visit to my brother's family for a week in the middle of May.

Then home for a week to catch up with household chores, mowing, yard work and the garden.

Right now I am in Columbus teaching an encaustic class at CCAD (Columbus College of Art and Design) for
the QSDS (Quilt Surface Design Symposium). And finally I have a few minutes to share the work my wonderful students have been doing with encaustic and fabric.
Day 1 finds everyone terrified of using propane torches.
Day 2 finds them proficient at adhering fabric to their boards, applying the encaustic wax medium, and using those  dreaded torches.
Day 3 finds them creating works combining encaustic with their individual interests in collage, fabric, calligraphy, travel, cultural influences and much more.
Day 4 they hardly need me!!

I have found that these textile artists arrive at a workshop with very rich materials...
hand dyed fabrics, hand painted fabrics, eco dyed fabrics, printed fabrics and papers, and much more.
I am enjoying working with them and learning from them probably more than I am teaching them.
Here are some of their artworks.

Cathy Vigor and her encaustic artwork

Maryann  Gallaher and her work
Linda Elder and her work
Work by Elynn Bernstein
Work by Diane Herbort
Work by Nancy Karst

Work by Jane Marriott

                                   So much Fun!!   Watch for a few more images of their work!


  1. Great class! I loved the diversity of the work.

  2. Me too! I had so much fun and was inspired by all of you!
